Word Count: 2.5k Genre: Romance, Fluff. T/W: None Author’s Note: I hope this work brings you joy and comfort when you need it the most. *Y/N - Your (Reader’s) Name; Reader’s dialogues are in purple; Han SeoJun’s dialogues are in red. OC (Original Characters): Y/N’s best friend/colleague Hyuk, SeoJun’s puppy Dal.  

Read Chapter 1 here:

  Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever (“True Beauty” Han SeoJun X Reader AU) KDRAMA STORIES|May 27, 2022

Chapter 2: Missed Connections



“I’ll see you at the concert tomorrow. Let’s meet under the street lamp!” The words kept ringing in your head as you woke up in a daze the next morning. To be fair, it was already the “next morning” by the time you got home last night, but you managed to sneak in a couple of hours’ worth of sleep nonetheless. Dragging yourself out of bed, you stood in front of the mirror, taking a good look as if to assure yourself that you were not in a dream. You looked awfully well-rested for the bare minimum sleep you got, perhaps because you were satisfied with your work but most likely because your heart was happy. Before you knew it, you found yourself smiling in thought, recalling the whimsical moments when SeoJun made your heart flutter. You couldn’t help but wonder, was it the moonlight that made him look oh so angelic? Was it the way he ruffled his hair, making it fall over his eyes in the most orderly mess, that made your heart skip a beat? Was it because you were tired and caught off guard that you almost fell for him at first sight? Shaking your speculations away, you washed your face, ready to embrace a brand new day.  

Han SeoJun’s POV

Sleepless nights were nothing new for SeoJun, especially with the pressures of life as an idol and biting loneliness that eats away at the soul but produces good art. On most days, SeoJun would spend the night writing music, composing, and self-critiquing, but something was different about last night. He laid awake, staring at the ceiling with a racing heart. It was almost as if he had 50 tabs open in his brain, and he didn’t quite know which one was playing the music. “Was I too pushy with Y/N? Should I have left her alone? Of course not, it was so late at night. She’s so delicate! That’s not true, she could easily take me down.” Hours passed, and daylight rolled around with SeoJun contemplating and overanalyzing last night’s turn of events like his life depended on it. “She’ll show up, right? I mean, she has to, for work, but she probably isn’t thinking of showing up for me. Wait, but why wouldn’t she show up for me? She said she liked me! Isn’t she a fan? When exactly should I turn up? Am I picking her up after work? If so, where do we go? Oh, I know a spot!” he thought out loud, with Dal keeping him company. “First of all-”, he said, getting off of the bed, “let’s get dressed. A morning walk is what I need”.  


With coffee and confidence in tow, you stepped out of the house in the prettiest sundress, even though it took you a good amount of convincing to settle on the same. “It’s alright Y/N, you dressed up because the concept for the concert is summer sweetness. You must stick to the theme! You definitely did not dress up in case SeoJun shows up. Besides, it’s a Sunday! Sundresses are for Sunday!” you muttered quietly, justifying your look to yourself. “Should I not have put on so much makeup?” you thought, stopping in your tracks. Almost immediately, you retorted, “Makeup or no makeup, you’re a true beauty regardless!”, giving yourself a pat on the back. By the time you reached the venue, which was, once again, walking distance from your apartment, you figured that rehearsals would be in full swing. However, something was off about the situation. With your spidey senses tingling, your first instinct was to look for Hyuk, but before you could give him a call, you felt someone hold your wrist and pull you in for a side hug. With how familiar that felt, you knew it was none other than Hyuk himself. Speak of the devil. “Y/N! Where have you been all morning?” Hyuk said with excitement, taking your coffee and having a sip. “Huh? It’s only 10 AM. What do you mean? Where are the guys? Haven’t you started rehearsals yet?” “Do you really not know, or are you acting naive?” “Know what?” “Vibe Move’s Han SeoJun posted about the concert, and we’re fully booked! Everyone is celebrating over breakfast in the waiting room. Now, I know what you’re thinking but I say, let them be. They’ve worked hard and-” “Wait, wait, wait. What?” Realizing that it would be better to show than to tell, Hyuk pulled out a screenshot of Han SeoJun’s post, where he’s posing by a wall plastered with all the posters you put up last night. It’s captioned, “Rock N’ Roll Sundays” with a moon emoji and a puppy emoji. With Han SeoJun’s reputation for attending indie concerts to show support, this isn’t really out of the ordinary, but you simply couldn’t deny that it made your heart flutter. Noticing your stunned face turning red little by little, Hyuk turned you around to make you face him. “Are you really that flustered? What is he, your bias your something?”, he said with a chuckle, dismissing the possibility altogether. Little did he know. “You go on ahead then. I’ll be right back from the restroom,” you said with urgency, moving his arm from your shoulder. “Oh, yeah, sure,” said Hyuk, looking visibly confused and perhaps a little startled. As you walked into the washroom, you could feel a million thoughts and possibilities crossing your mind. “Did he do that for me? No, of course not, I shouldn’t flatter myself. But..the emojis. Don’t they look too suspicious? What am I thinking? It’s not like he’s trying to send a message, right? Why would he? I mean, he wanted to see me again, and we were supposed to meet at the concert but..I didn’t think he’d make a post out of it. Is he doing this out of kindness? Maybe, because I looked too desperate with the flyers last night? I should stop thinking.” You took a couple of deep breaths, trying to compose yourself and hide your nervousness. “Que será, será”.  

Han SeoJun’s POV

It’s been an hour since SeoJun posted the picture he took on his morning walk and exactly 55 minutes since he started refreshing the app to see if a familiar face would pop up in his notifications. For an idol with millions of followers, this isn’t quite the sanest thing to do but love sure makes one do crazy things. “She won’t think I’m showing off, right? I would probably have gone to the concert anyway! I’m Han SeoJun! What do I have to be nervous about? God, my heart is about to burst.” The duality in his emotions was getting out of hand, and it wasn’t long before he realized that he couldn’t stay put anymore. Grabbing the keys to his motorcycle, SeoJun headed out once more to clear his head. “That’s right. I’ll just ride until it’s time for the concert. It’s been a while since I went on my bike anyway.” While he wouldn’t admit it even to himself, SeoJun really just wanted to make the hours pass quicker. Looking as dashing as an action hero, SeoJun got on his bike, but before he could move, he was suddenly struck with a thought. Parking his bike once again, SeoJun rushed inside and came out with a second helmet. “Just in case”, he whispered to himself with a smile brighter than the sun.  


While time couldn’t move any slower for SeoJun, it couldn’t be more hectic for you. After final rehearsals, sound checks, ticket confirmations, and more, it was finally time for the show. “The stage is yours. Own it,” you said, as a last word of encouragement before the band prepared to stand by. Audiences were pouring in, filling up the venue slowly but steadily, raising anticipation for the performance even more. However, even in that crowd, there was only one face you were looking for. Han SeoJun. An hour goes by, and the band is giving the performance of a lifetime. The audience is hyped, and the spirit of rock is alive. Seeing the boys thriving, doing what they do best, you couldn’t help but sigh with pride, but at the back of your head, your imagination was running wild. You checked and double-checked the entry list, and SeoJun was clearly a no-show. “Huh. I wonder if he used a different name. It would make sense since he’s a celebrity, after all.” You were coming up with excuses before you even realized it, and soon, the show was over. “The street lamp! Could he be waiting there?” you guessed, eager to leave the venue. Unfortunately for you, the team had other plans. “What do you mean you’re not coming to the company dinner? Today was such a grand success!”, Hyuk exclaimed, tugging at your arm. “I..I just have some business to attend to. You know what they say-” “The devil works hard, but Y/N sure works harder” “Exactly. So, have fun without me and-” “Not happening. You have to at least come greet everyone” “Oh come on! I have a date-” “A what? You’re seeing someone?” Hyuk’s question made you rethink what you had just let slip. “Did I just say date? Silly me! I meant late. I’m late for a meeting!” “I know your schedule better than you. You’re coming with me.” So now, you were being wheeled away to a nearby restaurant for dinner and drinks without so much as the slimmest chance of being able to look for SeoJun. “Just my luck”.  

Han SeoJun’s POV

“Just my luck”, SeoJun muttered under his breath, running his hands through his hair. In all the years he had been a biker, never once had his motorcycle broken down after just a couple of miles. Yet, there he was, watching the romantic sunset from a mechanic’s garage when he could have been doing the same with Y/N from a flower hill. Frantically checking the time every minute, SeoJun watched as the sky dusked and evening fell. “I cannot afford to be late. Not for her,” he reiterated, cursing and blaming himself for the situation. The fact that he had no way of contacting Y/N and knew nothing but her name only added to his frustration. “I’m sorry Y/N. I’ll make it up to you-” he practiced, anxiously going over a script in his head. “Something unexpected came up. You understand right?” he added, trying to figure out the ideal apology. “What if she’s waiting?” he wondered, going over a hundred worst-case scenarios. “Sir, it’s good to go!” As soon as he heard those words, he wasted no time in setting out for the concert venue, fully aware of how late he was. ETA: 40 minutes.  


Suffice to say, things did not go as planned, and you could not have been more furious. While you should have been beaming with joy because of how special and rare it is to have a fully packed venue for an up-and-coming band, you just could not shake the thought of SeoJun waiting for you in vain, especially since he drew the majority of the crowd. The idea of ghosting him when he was the one who asked you out seemed a little too inappropriate for your comfort. For a moment, you debated DMing him on SNS but decided against it, in case that might seem too straightforward. While the rest of the team cheered, you sighed and sighed until it became a little too obvious, at least for Hyuk. Regardless of how much he wanted you there by his side, he could tell that your heart was elsewhere. “Is this..meeting..really that important? You’ve been out of it the entire time.” You looked up at Hyuk and sighed once more, shaking your head. “It might be too late now”, you mentioned softly, your voice betraying your dejection. “Not on my watch”, Hyuk asserted with confidence as he stood up, holding your hand. “We have somewhere to be. Please excuse us”, he declared at once, disregarding the need for any sort of permission. “I’ll drop you off in my car. Let’s go”. Before you could even get a grasp of the situation, you were in Hyuk’s car, going full speed ahead. “Snap out of it. Where are we going?” “Just..just drop me off by the concert venue. I’ll take it from there.” “Are you sure?” “Yes. Positive.” “As you say.” It took about 20 minutes to arrive at the spot, and as soon as you got out of the car, you rushed out, in no position to wave goodbye. “I’m letting you go once again, huh”, murmured Hyuk with a saddened chuckle, covering his face with his hands as you ran out of view. “Street lamp. The street lamp. The fifth one from here. Just a couple of minutes away from home”, you reminded yourself, making sure to count your steps so that you don’t miss the right turn. You had already been running for a good 10 minutes but didn’t feel a second of it. As you came closer and closer to the street lamp, the designated date spot, you could feel your heart beating out of your chest. The possibility of SeoJun being there seemed more heartbreaking than not, but anything was better than not giving it a try. As you reached the crossroad where the street lamp stood, you paused to catch a breath and, unsurprisingly, were not welcomed by a fluffy-haired good bad boy with the most gorgeous dark eyes you had ever seen. The world seemed to stop turning for a second, and your head started spinning instead. Did he go home after being disappointed? Did he wait for too long? Could it be that he was there just a second ago? All sorts of questions popped up in your head, and you couldn’t begin to fathom the answer to them all. As you stared into the abyss, you were disturbed by a bright light shining right at your eyes. Startled, you looked away as reality dawned on you. Moving your hair away from your face, you took a deep breath, crouching down by the side of the road, disillusioned. It was almost as if you could hear SeoJun’s voice, calling your name. “Y/N!” yelled SeoJun from a distance as he parked his bike and ran towards you. “It feels too real…” you thought, before being interrupted by the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps. As you looked up, you saw a man dashing towards you, taking off his helmet mid-sprint. Unsure at first, you stood back up, waiting for the man to get closer, and sure enough, there he was: your golden retriever of a crush, running for his life. Running to you. When he finally came to a halt, inches away from you, panting for breath yet looking devilishly handsome, SeoJun said your name. “Y/N”. You could have sworn that your name had never sounded as melodious ever before. “I’m here,” he said, scrapping whatever script he had written up in his mind. As if driven by instinct, you placed your hand on his cheek, hot with a rush of blood, and brushed the apple of his cheek with your thumb. “So am I”, you answered, abandoning all doubts about your feelings for him. “I missed you”, you said in unison, staring into each other’s eyes. Is this the beginning of forever?  

Read Chapter 3 here:

  Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever (“True Beauty” Han SeoJun X Reader AU) Chapter 3 - My Bias Is In Love With Me! KDRAMA STORIES|Sep 14, 2022

Fan Fiction  The Anatomy Of Forever   True Beauty  Han SeoJun X Reader AU  Chapter 2 - 28Fan Fiction  The Anatomy Of Forever   True Beauty  Han SeoJun X Reader AU  Chapter 2 - 7Fan Fiction  The Anatomy Of Forever   True Beauty  Han SeoJun X Reader AU  Chapter 2 - 31Fan Fiction  The Anatomy Of Forever   True Beauty  Han SeoJun X Reader AU  Chapter 2 - 95