With that said, here’s how the ASTRO members would react to Y/N (Your Name) trying to scare them on Halloween in an alternate universe!  

1. JinJin

JinJin has a good head on his shoulders, which means he is cautious, rational, and composed. However, he is also so in love with Y/N that he wouldn’t dare break their heart. He’s been noticing you trying to plan a spooky moment but hasn’t given it away. So, when you popped out from behind the kitchen counter in your ghost costume, even if JinJin was not actually scared, he still acted like it was the biggest scare of his life, just to see you smile.  

2. MJ

MJ is the type of boyfriend who just finds everything Y/N does to be adorable. So, when he came home to Y/N in an alien costume, crouched in a little corner mysteriously, he instantly blurted out laughing. When Y/N became sulky for not being able to elicit the desired reaction, MJ ran to them, still laughing, and said, “I promise I’ll be sacred next time. Do it again. I’ll come in once more”.  

3. Rocky

Rocky is arguably one of the smartest ASTRO members, and scaring him to a degree where he actually has a visceral reaction is not an easy task. However, Y/N was determined this time. After Rocky came back from the studio, he instantly noticed that something was off about the air. Putting 2 and 2 together, he inferred that Y/N must be plotting a Halloween trick. So, when the jumpscare came, he was barely shaken but broke out in a lovely grin and put his hand on Y/N’s head, ruffling their hair endearingly. “You’re too cute to be scary”.  

4. MoonBin

MoonBin could not be more indifferent to horror, which means, he is the least likely to actually be startled by something that might be scary to others. On the other hand, he loves a good prank, so while Y/N is planning their jumpscare, MoonBin would be planning his own. Ultimately, not only would Y/N fail to scare him, they would be the one getting scared by MoonBin instead.  

5. Cha EunWoo

Cha EunWoo doesn’t really have the best relationship with anything spooky. So, to Y/N, adding to his torment with a jumpscare seemed like the naturally hilarious thing to do on Halloween. They waited patiently for EunWoo to come home and instantly turned all the lights off, startling him at once. Then, they came running out of the hallway in a zombie costume, right up to EunWoo’s face. His heart almost came out of his mouth, but he kept a straight face until he recognized who it was. Chuckling sarcastically, he said, “you’re going to have to do better than that”, before walking away. Little did Y/N know, he almost cried.  

6. Yoon SanHa

Y/N has known SanHa for what feels like forever and is fully aware of how easy it is to scare him. So, while they were excited in anticipation of his reaction, they also knew not to go overboard. Some strange noises, a shadow or two, and a good old hidden attack would do the trick. As expected, it worked, and the moment he saw it was Y/N, he pouted and quickly went over to hug them, burying his face in their neck. “How mean~!” Did you enjoy this article? If you’d like us to write more of these, don’t forget to let us know in the comments section down below!  

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Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 56Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 48Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 80Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 64Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 19Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 16Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 55Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 89Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 93Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 98Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 91Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 39Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 4Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 49Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 85Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 97Here s How The ASTRO Members Would React To Y N Trying To Scare Them On Halloween - 30